Tara Garraty

I am a conservation scientist with a specific interest in interdisplinary approaches to conservation of tropical ecosystems. Prior to starting my PhD, I began working out in the reserve with FundAmazonia while conducting my master’s research with University of Kent (DICE), which focused on using both pink and grey river dolphin species (Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis) as indicators of climate change within the aquatic environment of the reserve. Since completing my masters, I have continued to work with FundAmazonia as a biologist monitoring the reserve and working closely with indigenous communities for the past five years. My experiences and connection to the reserve led me to pursue a self-proposed PhD focused on the unique wildlife and indigenous culture of the reserve. My PhD at Bangor University began in October 2019 supervised by Freya St John and Simon Willcock.  

Tara Garraty

tara.garraty [at] bangor.ac.uk
