Liz Morris-Webb

As a marine ecologist, I am lucky enough to have worked, studies and played in the marine environment for 20 years. For 16 of those I have been running my own company, Marine EcoSol, as a consultant and scientific diver for government agencies, NGOs and private clients. Many aspects of my work involve working with people, from the members of the public using the marine environment to site managers and Government officials.

The human dimensions of the marine environment are increasingly being realised as key to the future of sustainable management of our coasts. I believe that to do this effectively we must understand the people using the coast and seas. As a result, I returned to Bangor University as a PhD student, with research interests in how the marine environment impacts people, and how people impact the marine environment. These interests lie within my broader interests in ecosystem services (or nature’s contribution to people) and sustainable co-management of our environment, blending the disciplines of ecology, oceanography and many aspect of social science. 

The Bangor University Well-being Research Group

Together with other well-being researchers across the University, I established and lead the Bangor University Well-being Research Group. We aim to bring together well-being researchers from across the University to share research ideas, experiences and collaborative opportunities. We meet monthly in an informal setting, with occasional guest speakers and seminars. Contact me if you are interested in coming along. 

Selected publications

McQuatters-Gollop, A., Mitchell, I. Vina-Herbon, C., Bedford, J., Addison, P., Lynam, C., Geetha, P.N., Vermeulan, E., Smit, K., Bayley, D., Morris-Webb, E., Niner, H., Otto, S. (2019). From Science to Evidence – How Biodiversity Indicators Can Be Used for Effective Marine Conservation Policy and ManagementFrontiers in Marine Science. 1-16.

Evans, A., Garrod, B., Firth, L., Morris-Webb, E., Goudge, H., Moore, P.J. (2017). Stakeholder priorities for multi-functional coastal defence developments and steps to effective implementationMarine Policy. 75, 143-155. 

Evans, A., Firth, L., Hawkins, S.J., Morris, E., Goudge, H., Moore, P.J. (2015). Drill-cored rock pools: An effective method of ecological enhancement on artificial structures. Marine and Freshwater Research. 67, 123-130. 


Liz Morriss-Webb

L.Morris [at]